February 11, 2025
Meeting minutes and Agendas linked here
Board Counsel Refrigerant change to code working through process. The allowance for all remote meetings expires March 30, there are several bills working through the legislation, with indication that some extension or permanent allowance will be passed. Stayed tuned.
Reports The 11th edition by Lisa Davey progress, working through makeup of subcommittees and draft proposal to be brought forward to the full Board. Ian Finlayson expressed DOER support to have the Energy Subcommittee functioning. Solar subcommittee, Luke McKneally, February meeting was postponed noting to report.
BOCC Andrew Babola reports working with staff to resolve a numerous Building Officials who did not meet recertification requirements. The number may be inflated as BO may have retied or left that community’s employment, some may have left profession and certificate has lapsed.
Executive Director reported on number of new CSL. Question by Jeff Clemons on pass fail rate for test takers, Michael McDowell expressed concern he is informed that numerous students report difficulty with exam procedures, time allotted and ability to achieve passing grades. It was ventured that 500 to 600 test may have been administered and this could be a suitable sample sized.
Reminder it is the BO duty to report change in employment or appointment or as alternate in accordance with 780 CMR 110 R7.2.5.
Ian Finlayson, provide the Board with a presentation linked here, on the changes to the Stretch Code effective February 4th. Jeff Clemons, John Couture and other engaged in meaningful dialogue and questions, expressed the CSLs need to notify and offered training for the changes. Links to be establish on BBRS site and DOER has information on the site. DOER guidance documents are in process of being updated.
DOL will be moving in March of 2025 to One Federal Street, Boston. Logistics and outreach for the move are currently being addressed and planned.
February 11, 2025
Meeting minutes and Agendas linked here
Tamra Gropman was introduced as new Executive Director, Christopher Rogers moving to another position within DPL.
Board Counsel reports adoption of 10th edition concurrency to June 30, 2025, is completed, refrigerant change to code working through internal review.
Reports repeated again the 11th edition by Lisa Davey great progress, and solar subcommittees Luke McKneally, formulating code change for the 11th edition, both moving forward hoping to report out to full board in 2 months.
Executive Director reported 170 Building Officials (BO) failed to meet recertificate requirements, notifications being sent out to BO and communities.
This number may be inflated as numerous replies that person has retied or left that community’s employment.
Reminder it is the BO duty to report change in employment or appointment or as alternate in accordance with 780 CMR 110 R7.2.5.
Jeffrey Clemons brought up the Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) , with training that was held in West Springfield Monday the 10th. It was reiterated that the accessory dwelling unit law change was a zoning issue and that the building code applies to the various configuration of dwelling units.
Additionally, staff reported that they hope to have all of the PowerPoint presentations from various trainings posted to a new tab under the building official certification committee website for reference.
Ian Finlayson, update the board the next edition of the Stretch Code is set to be published by the Secretary of State Friday February 14th. This change includes relaxation of requirements for additions and renovations considers ADUs. Linked here is the DOER unofficial publication of the changes.
DOL will be moving in March of 2025 to One Federal Street, Boston. Logistics and outreach for the move are currently being addressed and planned.
January 14, 2025
Meeting minutes and Agendas linked here
Board Counsel reports adoption of 10th edition concurrency to June 30, 2025 is on track, refrigerant change to code working though internal review.
Yes, this is the same as last month, the 11th edition and solar subcommittees hoping to repot out to full board in 2 months.
Those testing for CSL may use 9th edition code for testing. Those who had applied for testing under Prometric and have not tested should be getting refunds. As of January 1, 2025, PSI is providing the testing. https://test-takers.psiexams.com/macon/test Candidate Handbook https://www.mass.gov/doc/csl-candidate-handbook/download. For problems with testing contact Andrew Bridges
Jeffrey Clemons, brought up the adoption of the 2024 IECC, published in August, statue requires adoption within a year of publication.
Ian Finlayson, update the board the next edition of the Stretch Code in in review and possible to the Secretary of States Office for publication In February. Information linked here https://www.mass.gov/info-details/20242025-massachusetts-building-energy-codes
Mike McDowell, brought up ADU issues, staff report training is being developed.
DOL will be moving in March of 2025 to One Federal Street, Boston. Logistics and outreach for the move are currently being addressed and planned
December 10, 2024
Board Counsel reports adoption of 10th edition concurrency to June 30, 2025 is on track, refrigerant change to code working though internal review.
2025 meeting date second
Tuesday of the month.
Both the 11th edition and solar subcommittees hoping to repot out to full board in 2 months.
Anthony Marino appointed to BOCC as MMA representative.
Masonry "Russian fireplace" code change proposal voted down.
Discussion to be brought up at next meeting for allowance of CSL to use 9th edition code for testing, due to code book inventories on hand, staff to investigate.
DOL will be moving in March of 2025 to One Federal Street, Boston. Logistics and outreach for the move are currently being addressed and planned
December 2, 2024
Special meeting and public hearing to discuss amend the 10th edition concurrency date.
Motion made, seconded and voted to extend the 9th edition - 10th edition concurrency until June 30, 2025.
Baring any unforeseen issues, the 9th or 10th edition in whole, may be chosen by the applicant until June 30, 2025.
Discussion of ADU issues, inspections of Short Term Rental to be on future BBRS agendas for possible guidance or clarification.
Also mentioned was the overlapping energy codes and the requirement of adopting the 2024 IECC within one year of publication, relating to non stretch code communities.
December 2, 2024
Special meeting and public hearing to discuss amend the 10th edition concurrency date.
Motion made, seconded and voted to extend the 9th edition - 10th edition concurrency until June 30, 2025.
Baring any unforeseen issues, the 9th or 10th edition in whole, may be chosen by the applicant until June 30, 2025.
Discussion of ADU issues, inspections of Short Term Rental to be on future BBRS agendas for possible guidance or clarification.
Also mentioned was the overlapping energy codes and the requirement of adopting the 2024 IECC within one year of publication, relating to non stretch code communities.
November 12, 2024
Regular business was discussed and
Greer Spatz Croxford, general counsel of DPL indicated the action was an emergency amendment extending the concurrency period to January 30, 2025.
Additionally there will be a public hearing December 2, 2024 for a vote and promulgation of the concurrency period until June 30, 2025.
A presentation by Katherine Antos the Undersecretary of Decarbonization and Resilience, EO of Energy and Environmental Affairs.
Asking the BBRS to consider adding a Resilience Technical Advisory Committee to address matters regarding, flood and heat resilience standards in the building code. The BBRS thanked Ms. Antos and may address at a future meeting.
11th edition subcommittee reported progress with several more meetings needed to format full proposal to the Board. Next meeting November 20, 2024.
Solar subcommittee reported good progress, possibly 2 meetings away for proposal to the Board. Next meeting later in November.
The Board continued discussion of 2 proposed advisories regarding refrigerants, the phasing out of one type and the replacement with a flammable refrigerant, with the impact of this change. Motion made and seconded to adopt a proposal (the text was unavailable to me) 7 in favor 5 opposed.
October 21, 2024
A special meeting was held to discuss the concurrency period for the 10th edition.
Information obtained is the the BBRS voted to extend the concurrence period to June 30, 2025 working within the regulatory promulgation process.
At the November 12, BBRS meeting Greer Spatz Croxford, general counsel of DPL indicated the action was an emergency amendment extending the concurrency period to January 30, 2025.
Additionally there will be a public hearing December 2, 2024 for vote and promulgation of the concurrency period until June 30, 2025.
October 8, 2024
10th edition, as announce will be published October 11, 2024, with concurrency period ending December 31, 2024, Discussion included process for changing concurrency period, this would start a new regulatory filing process as the date is part of the regulation and would likely take longer to implement than the December 31 date.
Various stake holders voice opinions relating to their interest groups both for and against the need to extend the concurrency period.
Charles Kilb counsel for the Board, an emergency amendment not likely as there is not an emergency, there is research to be done exploring other possible options, including appeals to the BCAB for relief, guidance documents, or other in code relief.
Obtaining copies of the 10th edition
Base volumes purchased from ICC, once posted by Secretary of the Commonwealth, MA amendments available from that office, will be changed from draft to unofficial at BBRS web site, and printed version from State House Bookstore possible a week later. ICC is in discussion for publishing a blended version.
October 8, 2024
Sub Committees
11th edition process, recommendation coming along, will present recommendation to Board when completed.
Solar, working through access pathway requirements
Other commits, staff has reached out to pate members for interest on continuing serving, waiting for replies.
A2l refrigerants and mechanical code, possible guidance document on A2L refrigerants revolving around section 102.1 & 104.11. Mechanical code, various options, amend current code, adopt 2024 IMC, amend and adopt 2024 IMC, potential issue with ASHRAE 22, additional concerns with interplay with chapter 3 and quantities tripping H use groups.
BOCC, processing many form A. credit hours for Building Officials updated 9/23/24 linked here
September 10, 2024
The 10th edition is currently in internal Governor office A&F review, as soon as it is released it will be filed with the Secretary of State for promulgation.
Charles Kilb is in weekly contact to express BBRS concern to move out of A&F, Deputy Director of DPL is doing what they can to move it forward.
Subcommittees 11the edition and Solar continue to meet. Next meetings scheduled
11th edition Sept 23 at 11AM
Solar Sept 27 at 9AM
BOCC report out past 2 month of actions, working with training providers to receive and process certification credits
July 9, 2024
The 10th edition is currently in internal Governor office (possibly A&F) review, as soon as it is released it will be filed with the Secretary of State for promulgation.
The direction of the Board is to had effective date the soonest the Secretary of State can publish in the Register, which comes out every other Friday.
The concurrency period is from date of publication until December 31, 2024. The full effect of the 10th edition is applications received after January 1, 2025.
The 11th edition subcommittee has meet, will be meeting again, hopeful to have recommendation for action in September. Once this is settled other subcommittees will be tasked with work.
The refrigerant subcommittee is to meet and proved recommended for amendment to the 10th edition regard flammable refrigerants for September.
No meeting in August
Next meting September 10th
Stretch Code Update February 14, 2025
Presentation to BBRS
Accessory Dwelling Units
Regulation published Linked here
EOHLC ADU page linked here
10th Edition
Effective October 11, 2024
Concurrency to June 30, 2025